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Constellation of most rankings / Favorite stupid man the girls constellation

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First: Cancer.

Cancer girls think flat is a blessing, and she did not want to have a stupid husband, but she hopes that her husband is willing to be willing to ordinary life, do not be too talented, do not get too clever and too ambitious husband if there is no family life, in her view that if the husband too well attract many people covet, this will make Cancer woman is very insecure.

Second: Sagittarius.

Sagittarius girl does not like to be nerve-racking, but she has her attentive, she would rather the other stupid not want them to be cunning, her with cunning spy on the spy's life together is too hard, andshe would own evil gossips side performance undoubtedly looks very unpleasant, so she would rather find a silly little other half, even if you want her to shoulder the responsibility to educate each other, help each other, sheit will feel fun.

Third: Aries.

Aries girls are a recessive trait, very maternal, to see a little silly, the lifestyle very confused stupid boys make Aries female find each other cute, if the other party and the performance very much, Vitexsheep woman, then she will be very willing to be each other's personal secretary, this life will make the Aries women feel very fun.

Fourth place: Leo.

Leo girls basically there is a little stupid, very confused personality and pure, she is the face of love take the naive route exchanges silly point, she will not be deceived round and round, and the proud Leoshe said she was in front of the other wise men.

Fifth: Scorpio.

Scorpio girls feel a little silly and a little stupid pure performance, but she also felt that if a too clever boys is difficult to control, because the Scorpio women know their own control just a verbal, and there is no way a tremendous amounthave control over some of the details of life, including, if the other party a little stupid, so instead lets her very easy to read each other's thoughts.

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